Custom fitting of intimate apparel can be traced back to the Renaissance period where women would be fitted in specially designed corsets that would uplift and enhance their bust and minimize their waistline and tummy. Although the desired effect was achieved, the price they paid was dear. These contraptions were extremely uncomfortable, restricted movement and caused poor circulation not to mention a poor disposition.

Marie Tucek is credited with patenting the actual first 'breast supporter' in 1893. Her foundation garment was similar to the bras sold today, having pouches for the breasts to sit in.


The Custom Fit Bra Company has custom fitters who have been fitting for over thirty years. More like Marie Tucek, rather than their counterparts from the Renaissance period, these custom fitters improve the appearance of the bust by placing them in the appropriate position on the chest. They do this through a system of pulling lost breast tissue into the cup and securing it in a unique triangle where it rests on a supporting band. This in turn produces a trimmer looking silhouette. Yet the results are beautiful and oh so comfortable. Now through the advances of technology and the internet these fitters will share their secrets so that you can fit yourself in this amazing “Custom Fit Bra”.